Friday, January 20, 2006

New Nuclear Race in USA

Here's a slide I'll be discussing in my next episode. It outlines a simplified version of the nuclear plant licensing and construction process in the USA, along with time estimates for each major step. I've also included a summary of the financial incentives contained in the new Energy Bill, and a current status of compaies who are talking about new construction.

Hope you join us on the show!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

This Week in Nuclear - Episode 4 - January 15, 2006

PodCast Episode 4

Show Notes from this week's show:

  • The Problem with Iran
  • Lithuania wants to keep their RBMK reactor running longer
  • Harry Reid and John Ensign, and their nutty "Take Title" Bill
  • Hillary singles out Indian Point for political gain
  • Seabrook gets a license extension
  • Vermont Yankee 20% power up-rate passes important milestone
  • An overview of the Canadian nuclear industry
  • Growing support for new nuclear plants in UK
  • Ukraine talks of enriching their own fuel
  • Borselle gets a license extension
  • More opinions on why governments are reluctant to support nuclear energy

The Aljazeera News Story on Iran

I tried to fit in some discussion of the incentives contained in the US Energy Bill, but I ran out of time. We'll cover thant next week!

Here's some "recommended reading" (on the right side of the page).

    Rod's Blog