Friday, April 07, 2006

This Week in Nuclear - Episode 15 - April 5, 2006

Listen to the Show Here

News & Topics We Discuss in This Show Include:
1. Entergy One Step Closer to an Early Site Permit
2. Turkey Point Media Hysteria
3. UN Security Council Scolds Iran
4. New Reactor Begins Operation in Australia
5. Russia is Putting the Hard Sell on China and India
6. Vermont Yankee Cleared to Raise Power
7. The 27th Anniversary of TMI Accident
8. China and Australia in Uranium Deal
9. Media Swarms Over Lost Keys in Germany
10. Listener Letters & Thanks

Links to stories we discussed this week:
Three Mile Island Info
Grand Gulf Early Site Permit
UN Security Council Resolution
Michael Rennhack's Web Site

Photo of wildflowers at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant courtesy of Jim Zimmerlin of Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Avila Beach, California.

Go Here for Show Notes & Links